How Can I Stay Motivated to Workout
in the Winter?
Justin Traft: Yes, winter is horrible for some and can be very depressing. I mean come on, we are lucky to see the sun once a week. Then you add trying to stay motivated in your workouts during winter…even tougher. Well here are some ideas and ways to help keep your goals and motivation going. First, make a spring fitness goal, sometimes an impending deadline is just the motivation you need to get going. Second, use a journal to hold yourself accountable. Nothing better then to have that in front of your face to keep you on track with workouts and nutrition. Three, write down reasons why you workout and use what you wrote as the "motivator." The very thing that fires your engine. Tape them to the fridge or in the bathroom so you can see it when you are getting ready everyday. Read them to yourself. Four, instead of maybe going three times a week, try going four to keep you going strong. Change the routine to break the daily robotic schedule. Maybe instead of going Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Try going back-to-back days using different muscle groups to double up on your fitness. Five, buy some new gym gear. Something about new gear makes getting out the door and hitting the gym a lot easier. Especially when all you can see is doom and gloom outside. For more tips and idea on staying motivated during winter, see your FT Trainer.
Jenn Noggle: There are a number of ways I have found it easier to stay motivated during the winter. I suggest to begin with setting a S.M.A.R.T. goal(s) for each upcoming week or month. That means a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Then, schedule your workouts into your day/write them on your calendar just as you would any other important appointment. If you plan to workout in the mornings, lay your clothes out or get your gym bag ready the night before so that you can wake up and be ready to go. Scheduling appointments in advance with your trainer will provide the accountability needed to make sure you get your workouts in. Additionally, on the days you are not with your trainer, you can find a buddy that you can plan to meet for your cardio sessions. When someone else is counting on you to show up, it is far less likely that you will hit the snooze button or make excuses not to show up.
Make sure to complete your re-assessments with your trainer every 6 weeks so that you can monitor your progress and continue to set new goals. Reward yourself with healthy incentives when you do accomplish each goal. Some examples might include new workout clothes, a massage, or a healthy pot-luck dinner with friends. Another suggestion would be keeping a small journal in which you can record your thoughts and feelings after your workouts or after accomplishing a goal that you set. The ability to go back and read your prior thoughts when you may not be feeling particularly motivated might just give you the reminder/nudge that you need to make time for your workout.
Most importantly, find what works for YOU. Try some of the suggestions made by your trainers and stick to those that work best for you! Summer will be here before you know it, so don't wait until then to get serious about your health and fitness!
Adam May: There is an old saying. "If it means that much to you, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse." Cold weather is an excuse, and it's that simple. There is this place called Fitness Together. It's great because it's indoors so it’s warmer than outside. No matter what the temperature is outside it’s always about the same temperature inside. Show up and work out. Don't use the weather as an excuse. There is your motivation.
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